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var canvas = document.getElementById("layer1"); var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); var flashLayer = document.getElementById("layer2"); var fl = flashLayer.getContext("2d"); var playing = false; var squareSize = 32; var screenBounds = [132, -96]; var currentPiece = []; var holdPiece = []; var board = []; var x = 0; var y = 0; var rotation = 0; var randomBag = []; var queue = []; var score = 0; var highscore = ["", 0]; var totalLines = 0; var time; var tempTime = 0; var level = 1; var level = 1; var linesRemaining = 10; var levelLines = [0, 10, 15, 20, 20, 30, 30, 40, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 100, -1]; var speeds = [0, 1000, 940, 880, 820, 760, 700, 640, 580, 520, 460, 400, 340, 280, 220, 160, 100]; var tetrisStreak = 0; var tSpin = false; var rotated = false; var held = false; var pressedDown = false; var pressedUp = false; var pressedR = false; var pressedL = false; var ghostBlocks = true; var grid = false; var DAS = 250; var advanced = true; var palette = 0; var sfxVolume = 10; var musicVolume = 10; var state = 0; var scoreIndex = 0; var scoreArray = []; var topScores = []; var topNames = []; var topNums = []; var name = ""; var nameVals = [0, 0, 0, 0]; var anticheat = false; function draw() { context.drawImage(bgImage, 0, 0); if (grid) { drawGrid(); } for (var i = 4; i < board.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 10; j++) { if (board[i][j] !== 0) { context.drawImage(tImage, (board[i][j] - 1) * 32, 0, 32, 32, screenBounds[0] + (j * squareSize), screenBounds[1] + (i * squareSize), squareSize, squareSize); } } } if (ghostBlocks && playing) { ghostBlock(); } for (var k = 0; k < 4; k++) { for (var l = 0; l < 4; l++) { if (currentPiece[rotation][k][l] !== 0 && (y + k) >= 4) { context.drawImage(tImage, (currentPiece[rotation][k][l] - 1) * 32, 0, 32, 32, screenBounds[0] + (x * squareSize) + (l * squareSize), screenBounds[1] + (y * squareSize) + (k * squareSize), squareSize, squareSize); } } } for (var q = 0; q < 4; q++) { for (var p = 0; p < 4; p++) { if (queue[0][0][q][p] !== 0) { if (queue[0] === O) { context.drawImage(tImage, (queue[0][0][q][p] - 1) * 32, 0, 32, 32, 458 + (p * 24), 53 + (q * 24), 24, 24); } else if (queue[0] === I) { context.drawImage(tImage, (queue[0][0][q][p] - 1) * 32, 0, 32, 32, 462 + (p * 22), 45 + (q * 22), 22, 22); } else { context.drawImage(tImage, (queue[0][0][q][p] - 1) * 32, 0, 32, 32, 470 + (p * 24), 53 + (q * 24), 24, 24); } } } } for (var o = 1; o < 3; o++) { for (var m = 0; m < 4; m++) { for (var n = 0; n < 4; n++) { if (queue[o][0][m][n] !== 0) { if (queue[o] === O) { context.drawImage(tImage, (queue[o][0][m][n] - 1) * 32, 0, 32, 32, 454 + (n * 18), 72 + (o * 70) + (m * 18), 18, 18); } else if (queue[o] === I) { context.drawImage(tImage, (queue[o][0][m][n] - 1) * 32, 0, 32, 32, 462 + (n * 14), 70 + (o * 70) + (m * 14), 14, 14); } else { context.drawImage(tImage, (queue[o][0][m][n] - 1) * 32, 0, 32, 32, 462 + (n * 18), 72 + (o * 70) + (m * 18), 18, 18); } } } } }if (holdPiece.length > 0) { for (var s = 0; s < 4; s++) { for (var r = 0; r < 4; r++) { if (holdPiece[0][s][r] !== 0) { if (holdPiece.toString() === O.toString()) { context.drawImage(tImage, (holdPiece[0][s][r] - 1) * 32, 0, 32, 32, 30 + (r * 24), 53 + (s * 24), 24, 24); } else if (holdPiece.toString() === I.toString()) { context.drawImage(tImage, (holdPiece[0][s][r] - 1) * 32, 0, 32, 32, 34 + (r * 22), 45 + (s * 22), 22, 22); } else { context.drawImage(tImage, (holdPiece[0][s][r] - 1) * 32, 0, 32, 32, 42 + (r * 24), 53 + (s * 24), 24, 24); } } } } } context.fillStyle = "white"; context.strokeStyle = "white"; context.lineWidth = 5; context.beginPath(); context.rect(475, 325, 105, 170); context.stroke(); context.textAlign = "center"; context.font = "600 20px Arial"; context.fillText("SCORE", 528, 350); context.fillText("LEVEL", 528, 405); context.fillText("LINES", 528, 460); context.font = "100 20px Arial"; context.fillText(score, 528, 373); context.fillText(level, 528, 428); if (level < 16) { context.fillText(linesRemaining, 528, 483); } else { context.font = "30px Arial"; context.fillText("∞", 528, 483); } } function gravity() { clearLines(); if (canMove(x, y + 1, rotation)) { if (!pressedDown) { y++; } tSpin = (currentPiece === T && !canMove(x + 1, y, rotation) && !canMove(x - 1, y, rotation) && !canMove(x, y - 1, rotation)); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (currentPiece[rotation][j][i] !== 0) { board[y + j][x + i] = currentPiece[rotation][j][i]; } } } currentPiece = queue[0]; queue[0] = queue[1]; queue[1] = queue[2]; queue[2] = newPiece(); held = false; if (!canMove(x, y, rotation)) { if (score > highscore[1]) { highscore[1] = score; } playing = false; state = -1; clearInterval(thread); tempTime += new Date() - time; context.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"; context.fillRect(0, 0, 600, 640); context.fillStyle = "white"; context.font = "800 85px Arial"; context.fillText("GAME", 292, 290); context.fillText("OVER", 292, 375); setTimeout(deathAnimation, 1000, 25); return; } } draw(); //begin line flashing animation for (var m = 0; m < board.length; m++) { if (!board[m].includes(0)) { flashLines(m, 6); } } } function canMove(newX, newY, newRotation) { //returns whether the current tetrimino can be moved to a given location for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (currentPiece[newRotation][j][i] !== 0) { //check left and right bounds of gamefield if (newX + i < 0 || newX + i > 9) { return false; } if (newY + j > 21) { return false; } if (board[newY + j][newX + i] !== 0) { return false; } } } } return true; } function newPiece() { x = 3; y = 2; rotation = 0; var nextIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * randomBag.length); var nextPiece = randomBag[nextIndex]; randomBag.splice(nextIndex, 1); if (randomBag.length === 0) { randomBag = [I, J, L, O, S, T, Z]; } return nextPiece; } function clearLines() { var lineCount = 0; for (var i = 0; i < board.length; i++) { if (!board[i].includes(0)) { //if line is full //move non-locked piece down if (!canMove(x, y + 1, rotation)) { y++; } for (var j = i; j > 0; j--) { board[j] = board[j - 1].slice(); } lineCount++; } } totalLines += lineCount; if (lineCount > 0) { lcSound.pause(); lcSound.currentTime = 0;; } if (lineCount > 0) { clearTimeout(pointsThread); if (lineCount === 1) { tetrisStreak = 0; if (tSpin) { score += Math.round(140 * multiplier); displayPoints((140 * multiplier) + " SINGLE", 0, true); } else { score += Math.round(40 * multiplier); displayPoints((40 * multiplier) + " SINGLE", 0, false); } } else if (lineCount === 2) { tetrisStreak = 0; if (tSpin) { score += Math.round(400 * multiplier); displayPoints((400 * multiplier) + " DOUBLE", 0, true); } else { score += Math.round(100 * multiplier); displayPoints((100 * multiplier) + " DOUBLE", 0, false); } } else if (lineCount === 3) { tetrisStreak = 0; if (tSpin) { score += Math.round(500 * multiplier); displayPoints((500 * multiplier) + " TRIPLE", 0, true); } else { score += Math.round(300 * multiplier); displayPoints((300 * multiplier) + " TRIPLE", 0, false); } } else if (lineCount === 4) { tetrisStreak++; score += Math.round(1200 * multiplier); if (tetrisStreak >= 2) { score += Math.round(800 * multiplier * (tetrisStreak - 1)); displayPoints((((800 * (tetrisStreak - 1)) + 1200) * multiplier) + " ", 0, false); } else { displayPoints((1200 * multiplier) + " TETRIS", 0, false); } } } if (level < 16) { linesRemaining -= lineCount; if (linesRemaining <= 0) { level++; linesRemaining += levelLines[level]; multiplier += 0.2; clearInterval(thread); thread = setInterval(gravity, speeds[level]); } } } function displayPoints(str, count, showT) { //animation for how many points they just scored fl.clearRect(0, 0, screenBounds[0], 640); if (playing) { var disp = str.split(" "); var alpha = 1.25 - (count / 40); fl.textAlign = "center"; fl.font = "600 30px Arial"; fl.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, " + alpha + ")"; fl.fillText("+" + Math.round(disp[0]) + " ", screenBounds[0] / 2, 470 - count); if (tetrisStreak >= 2) { //if it's a back to back tetris if (tetrisStreak === 2) { fl.font = "300 13px Arial"; fl.fillText("BACK TO BACK", screenBounds[0] / 2, 495 - count); } else { fl.font = "300 16px Arial"; fl.fillText(tetrisStreak + " STREAK", screenBounds[0] / 2, 495 - count); } fl.font = "300 23px Arial"; fl.fillText("TETRIS", screenBounds[0] / 2, 520 - count); } else if (showT) { fl.font = "300 20px Arial"; fl.fillText("T-SPIN", screenBounds[0] / 2, 495 - count); fl.font = "300 23px Arial"; fl.fillText(disp[1], screenBounds[0] / 2, 520 - count); } else { fl.font = "300 23px Arial"; fl.fillText(disp[1], screenBounds[0] / 2, 500 - count); } if (count < 50) { pointsThread = setTimeout(displayPoints, 60, str, count + 1, showT); } else { fl.clearRect(0, 0, screenBounds[0], 640); } } } function flashLines(line, count) { //line clear animation if (count % 2 === 0 && playing) { fl.fillStyle = "white"; fl.fillRect(screenBounds[0], screenBounds[1] + (line * squareSize), squareSize * 10, squareSize); } else { fl.clearRect(screenBounds[0], screenBounds[1] + (line * squareSize), squareSize * 10, squareSize); } if (count > 1) { setTimeout(flashLines, speeds[level] / 7, line, count - 1); } } function ghostBlock() { //detect edges and draw a border var offset = 0; for (var o = y; o < 22; o++) { if (!canMove(x, o, rotation)) { offset = o - y - 1; break; } } if (offset !== 0) { context.fillStyle = "white"; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (currentPiece[rotation][i][j] !== 0 && (y + i + offset) > 3) { if (j === 0 || currentPiece[rotation][i][j - 1] === 0) { //left context.fillRect((x + j) * squareSize + screenBounds[0], (y + i + offset) * squareSize + screenBounds[1], 4, squareSize); } if (i === 0 || currentPiece[rotation][i - 1][j] === 0) { //top context.fillRect((x + j) * squareSize + screenBounds[0], (y + i + offset) * squareSize + screenBounds[1], squareSize, 4); } if (j === 3 || currentPiece[rotation][i][j + 1] === 0) { //right context.fillRect((x + j + 1) * squareSize + screenBounds[0] - 4, (y + i + offset) * squareSize + screenBounds[1], 4, squareSize); } if (i === 3 || currentPiece[rotation][i + 1][j] === 0) { //bottom context.fillRect((x + j) * squareSize + screenBounds[0], (y + i + 1 + offset) * squareSize + screenBounds[1] - 4, squareSize, 4); } if (j < 3 && i > 0 && currentPiece[rotation][i - 1][j + 1] === 0 && currentPiece[rotation][i - 1][j] !== 0 && currentPiece[rotation][i][j + 1] !== 0) { //top right diagonal context.fillRect((x + j + 1) * squareSize + screenBounds[0] - 4, (y + i + offset) * squareSize + screenBounds[1], 4, 4); } if (j > 0 && i < 3 && currentPiece[rotation][i + 1][j - 1] === 0 && currentPiece[rotation][i + 1][j] !== 0 && currentPiece[rotation][i][j - 1] !== 0) { //bottom left diagonal context.fillRect((x + j) * squareSize + screenBounds[0], (y + i + 1 + offset) * squareSize + screenBounds[1] - 4, 4, 4); } if (j > 0 && i > 0 && currentPiece[rotation][i - 1][j - 1] === 0 && currentPiece[rotation][i - 1][j] !== 0 && currentPiece[rotation][i][j - 1] !== 0) { //top left diagonal context.fillRect((x + j) * squareSize + screenBounds[0], (y + i + offset) * squareSize + screenBounds[1], 4, 4); } if (j < 3 && i < 3 && currentPiece[rotation][i + 1][j + 1] === 0 && currentPiece[rotation][i + 1][j] !== 0 && currentPiece[rotation][i][j + 1] !== 0) { //bottom right diagonal context.fillRect((x + j + 1) * squareSize + screenBounds[0] - 4, (y + i + 1 + offset) * squareSize + screenBounds[1] - 4, 4, 4); } } } } } } function drawGrid() { context.strokeStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)"; context.lineWidth = 1; context.beginPath(); for (var i = 1; i < 10; i++) { context.moveTo(screenBounds[0] + (i * squareSize), screenBounds[1] + (4 * squareSize)); context.lineTo(screenBounds[0] + (i* squareSize), screenBounds[1] + (22 * squareSize)); } for (var j = 4; j < 22; j++) { context.moveTo(screenBounds[0], screenBounds[1] + (j * squareSize)); context.lineTo(screenBounds[0] + (10 * squareSize), screenBounds[1] + (j * squareSize)) } context.stroke(); } function reset() { //define board array board = [ [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] ]; randomBag = [I, J, L, O, S, T, Z]; //the random tetriminos to pull from currentPiece = newPiece(); queue = [newPiece(), newPiece(), newPiece()]; holdPiece = []; holdPiece = []; score = 0; totalLines = 0; tetrisStreak = 0; rotated = false; held = false; pressedDown = false; pressedUp = false; pressedL = false; pressedR = false; time = new Date(); tempTime = null; } function menu(offset) { if (offset === 1601) { offset = 0; } context.drawImage(mImage, -offset, 0);; context.translate(1600 - offset, 0); context.scale(-1, 1); context.drawImage(mImage, 0, 0); context.restore(); context.drawImage(mImage, 1600 -offset, 0); context.textAlign = "center"; if (state === 0 || state === 1 || state === 999) { //main menu context.fillStyle = "white"; context.drawImage(lgImage, 0, 0, 300, 200, 125, 70, 350, 233); context.fillRect(125, 69, 350, 1); context.textAlign = "center"; context.font = "600 40px Arial"; context.fillText("PLAY", 300, 420); context.fillText("SETTINGS", 300, 500); if (state !== 999) { context.strokeStyle = "white"; context.lineWidth = 5; context.beginPath(); context.rect(155, 375 + (state * 80), 290, 61); context.stroke(); } } if (state === 2 || state === 3 || state === 200 || state === 201) { //level select screen context.font = "600 30px Arial"; context.fillText("◀ BACK", 120, 70); context.font = "600 40px Arial"; context.fillText("◀ LEVEL ▶", 300, 390); context.font = "600 32px Arial"; context.fillText("HIGHSCORES", 300, 115); context.font = "100 26px Arial"; if (topNames.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < topNames.length; i++) { context.textAlign = "left"; context.fillText(topScores[i], 210, 155 + (32 * i)); context.textAlign = "right"; context.fillText(topNums[i], 185, 155 + (32 * i)); context.textAlign = "center"; for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (topNames[i].substring(j, j + 1) !== "W") { context.fillText(topNames[i].substring(j, j + 1), 365 + (j * 20), 155 + (32 * i)); } else { context.font = "200 26px Arial";; context.scale(0.75, 1); context.fillText(topNames[i].substring(j, j + 1), 487 + (j * 27), 155 + (32 * i)); context.restore(); context.font = "100 26px Arial"; } } } } else { var load = "LOADING SCORES" var loadCount = offset % 20; for (var i = 5; i < loadCount; i += 5) { load += "."; } context.textAlign = "left"; context.fillText(load, 180, 170); } var colors = ["LimeGreen", "Gold", "OrangeRed", "Red"]; context.font = "600 80px Arial"; context.textAlign = "center"; if (level > 1) { context.fillStyle = colors[Math.floor((level - 1) / 4.1)]; context.fillRect(60, 430, 120, 120); context.fillStyle = "white"; context.fillText(level - 1, 120, 521); } if (level < 16) { context.fillStyle = colors[Math.floor((level + 1) / 4.1)]; context.fillRect(420, 430, 120, 120); context.fillStyle = "white"; context.fillText(level + 1, 480, 521); } if (state === 2) { //highlighting level context.fillStyle = "white"; context.fillRect(215, 405, 170, 170) } else if (state === 3) { //highlighting back context.strokeStyle = "white"; context.lineWidth = 5; context.beginPath(); context.rect(40, 35, 165, 48); context.stroke(); } else if (state === 201) { //highlighting highscores context.strokeStyle = "white"; context.lineWidth = 5; context.beginPath(); context.rect(165, 80, 270, 47); context.stroke(); } context.fillStyle = colors[Math.floor(level / 4.1)]; context.fillRect(221, 411, 158, 158); context.fillStyle = "white"; context.font = "800 110px Arial"; context.fillText(level, 300, 530); } if ((state >= 4 && state <= 11) || state === 500) { //settings menu context.font = "600 30px Arial"; context.fillText("◀ BACK", 120, 70); context.strokeStyle = "white"; context.lineWidth = 5; if (state >= 5 && state !== 500) { //highlighting settings context.beginPath(); context.rect(40, 98 + ((state - 5) * 70), 520, 60); context.stroke(); } else if (state === 4) { //highlighting back context.beginPath(); context.rect(40, 35, 165, 48); context.stroke(); } context.textAlign = "left"; context.font = "600 35px Arial"; context.fillText("CONTROLS", 60, 140); context.fillText("GHOST PIECE", 60, 210); context.fillText("GUIDE GRID", 60, 280); context.fillText("DAS", 60, 350); context.fillText("PALETTE", 60, 420); context.fillText("MUSIC", 60, 490); context.fillText("SOUNDS", 60, 560); context.textAlign = "right"; context.font = "150 35px Arial"; if (advanced) { context.fillText("ADVANCED", 540, 140); } else { context.fillText("SIMPLIFIED", 540, 140); } if (ghostBlocks) { context.fillText("ENABLED", 540, 210); } else { context.fillText("DISABLED", 540, 210); } if (grid) { context.fillText("ENABLED", 540, 280); } else { context.fillText("DISABLED", 540, 280); } context.fillText(DAS + "ms", 540, 350); context.drawImage(tImage, 316, 393); var mVolString = ""; for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { if (i <= musicVolume) { mVolString += "■"; } else { mVolString += "□"; } } context.fillText(mVolString, 540, 486); var sVolString = ""; for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { if (i <= sfxVolume) { sVolString += "■"; } else { sVolString += "□"; } } context.fillText(sVolString, 540, 556); } else if (state === 14 || state === 140) { //leaderboard context.textAlign = "center"; context.font = "600 30px Arial"; context.fillText("◀ BACK", 120, 70); if ((scoreArray.length / 2) > scoreIndex + 10) { context.fillText("▼", 400, 610); } if (scoreIndex > 0) { context.fillText("▲", 200, 610); } context.font = "600 40px Arial"; context.fillText("HIGHSCORES", 300, 119); context.font = "600 28px Arial"; context.fillText("RANK", 110, 155); context.fillText("SCORE", 300, 155); context.fillText("NAME", 490, 155); context.font = "100 28px Arial"; if (scoreArray.length > 0) { for (var i = scoreIndex; i < scoreIndex + 10 && i < scoreArray.length / 2; i++) { context.fillText(i + 1, 110, 200 + (40 * (i - scoreIndex))); context.fillText(scoreArray[(i * 2) + 1], 300, 200 + (40 * (i - scoreIndex))); for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (scoreArray[i * 2].substring(j, j + 1) !== "W") { context.fillText(scoreArray[i * 2].substring(j, j + 1), 457 + (j * 22), 200 + (40 * (i - scoreIndex))); } else { context.font = "200 28px Arial";; context.scale(0.75, 1); context.fillText(scoreArray[i * 2].substring(j, j + 1), 610 + (j * 29.5), 200 + (40 * (i - scoreIndex))); context.restore(); context.font = "100 28px Arial"; } } } } else { var load = "LOADING SCORES" var loadCount = offset % 20; for (var i = 5; i < loadCount; i += 5) { load += "."; } context.textAlign = "left"; context.fillText(load, 170, 220); } if (state === 14) { //highlighting back context.beginPath(); context.rect(40, 35, 165, 48); context.stroke(); } } else if (state >= 51 && state <= 57) { //intial entering screen context.textAlign = "center"; context.font = "600 30px Arial"; context.fillText("◀ MENU", 120, 70); context.font = "600 40px Arial"; context.fillText("ENTER INITIALS", 300, 130); context.font = "100 40px Arial"; context.fillText(score, 300, 440); context.font = "600 35px Arial"; context.fillText("SAVE SCORE", 300, 525); context.beginPath(); if (state === 55) { //highlight menu context.rect(40, 35, 165, 48); } else if (state === 56) { //highlight save context.rect(150, 488, 300, 48); } else { //highlight letters var nameIndex = state - 51; context.rect(100 + (nameIndex * 100), 210, 100, 125); context.font = "600 60px Arial"; context.fillText("▲", 150 + (nameIndex * 100), 200); context.fillText("▼", 150 + (nameIndex * 100), 386); } context.stroke(); var charSet = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", ".", "–"]; name = charSet[nameVals[0]] + charSet[nameVals[1]] + charSet[nameVals[2]] + charSet[nameVals[3]]; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (nameVals[i] === 22) { context.font = "800 120px Arial";; context.scale(0.75, 1); context.fillText(charSet[nameVals[i]], 200 + (133 * i), 315); context.restore(); } else { context.font = "600 120px Arial"; context.fillText(charSet[nameVals[i]], 150 + (100 * i), 315); } } } context.fillStyle = "white"; context.textAlign = "center"; context.font = "100 11px Arial"; if (state <= 4 || state === 999 || state === 200 || state === 500 || state === 201) { context.fillText("USE THE ARROW KEYS TO NAVIGATE AND PRESS THE SPACEBAR TO SELECT", 300, 630); } else if (state === 5) { if (advanced) { context.fillText("Z AND X TO ROTATE | DOWN TO SOFT DROP | UP TO HARD DROP | SPACE TO HOLD", 300, 630); } else { context.fillText("UP TO ROTATE | DOWN TO SOFT DROP | SPACE TO HARD DROP | SHIFT TO HOLD", 300, 630); } } else if (state === 6) { context.fillText("DISPLAY EXACTLY WHERE THE CURRENT PIECE IS GOING TO LAND", 300, 630); } else if (state === 7) { context.fillText("DISPLAY A FAINT GUIDE TO HELP SEE WHERE PIECES WILL LAND", 300, 630); } else if (state === 8) { context.fillText("HOW MUCH DELAY BETWEEN MOVING ONCE AND MOVING CONTINUOUSLY", 300, 630); } else if (state === 9) { context.fillText("APPEARENCE OF INDIVIDUAL BLOCKS WITHIN GAME", 300, 630); } else if (state === 10) { context.fillText("MUSIC BY JAMES NICHOLSON", 300, 630); } else if (state === 11) { context.fillText("VOLUME OF IN GAME SOUND EFFECTS", 300, 630); } if (!playing) { menuThread = setTimeout(menu, 30, offset + 0.25); } } function deathAnimation(count) { //play when they die //move all pieces down for (var i = 21; i > 0; i--) { board[i] = board[i - 1].slice(); } //display game over draw(); context.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"; context.fillRect(0, 0, 600, 640); context.fillStyle = "white"; context.font = "800 85px Arial"; context.fillText("GAME", 292, 290); context.fillText("OVER", 292, 375); if (count > 0) { //repeat animation setTimeout(deathAnimation, 70, count - 1); } else { //draw ending stats draw(); context.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"; context.fillRect(0, 0, 600, 640); context.strokeStyle = "white"; context.beginPath(); context.rect(164, 130, 8 * squareSize, 320); context.stroke(); var hours = Math.floor(tempTime / 3600000); var minutes = Math.floor((tempTime - (hours * 3600000)) / 60000); var seconds = Math.floor((tempTime - (hours * 3600000) - (minutes * 60000)) / 1000); context.fillStyle = "white"; context.font = "600 26px Arial"; context.fillText("RESULTS", 292, 165); context.font = "150 14px Arial"; context.fillText("PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE", 292, 435); context.textAlign = "left"; context.font = "600 20px Arial"; context.fillText("SCORE", 178, 200); context.fillText("HIGHSCORE", 178, 250); context.fillText("TOTAL LINES", 178, 300); context.fillText("TIME", 178, 350); context.fillText("LEVEL", 178, 400); context.textAlign = "right"; context.font = "150 20px Arial"; context.fillText(score, 406, 200); context.fillText(highscore[1], 406, 250); context.fillText(totalLines, 406, 300); if (hours === 0) { if (seconds < 10) { context.fillText(minutes + ":0" + seconds, 406, 350); } else { context.fillText(minutes + ":" + seconds, 406, 350); } } else { if (seconds < 10) { if (minutes < 10) { context.fillText(hours + ":0" + minutes + ":0" + seconds, 406, 350); } else { context.fillText(hours + ":" + minutes + ":0" + seconds, 406, 350); } } else { if (minutes < 10) { context.fillText(hours + ":0" + minutes + ":" + seconds, 406, 350); } else { context.fillText(hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds, 406, 350); } } } context.fillText(level, 406, 400); state = 50; } } function drawPause() { //draw the pause menu draw(); context.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"; context.fillRect(0, 0, 600, 640); context.strokeStyle = "white"; context.beginPath(); context.rect(164, 220, 8 * squareSize, 160); if (state !== 120) { context.rect(210, 270 + (45 * (state - 12)), 164, 40); } context.stroke(); context.fillStyle = "white"; context.font = "600 26px Arial"; context.fillText("PAUSE", 292, 255); context.font = "150 26px Arial"; context.fillText("RESUME", 292, 300); context.fillText("QUIT", 292, 345); } function adjustVolume() { //adjust the volume of all sound effects hdSound.volume = 0.06 * sfxVolume; mSound.volume = 0.07 * sfxVolume; lcSound.volume = 0.06 * sfxVolume; cSound.volume = 0.06 * sfxVolume; song.volume = 0.1 * musicVolume; } function moveSide(direction) { //move continuously if (canMove(x + direction, y, rotation)) { x += direction; draw(); mSound.pause(); mSound.currentTime = 0.035;; if (DAS === 75) { if (direction > 0) { moveRight = setTimeout(moveSide, 75, direction); } else { moveLeft = setTimeout(moveSide, 75, direction); } } else { if (direction > 0) { moveRight = setTimeout(moveSide, 50, direction); } else { moveLeft = setTimeout(moveSide, 50, direction); } } } } function moveVert() { //move continuously down if (canMove(x, y + 1, rotation)) { y++; draw(); } } function hardDrop(repeat) { //drop the piece and lock it in if (playing) { while (canMove(x, y + 1, rotation)) { y++; } draw(); gravity(); if (playing) { clearInterval(thread); thread = setInterval(gravity, speeds[level]); } hdSound.pause(); hdSound.currentTime = 0;; if (repeat) { dropThread = setTimeout(hardDrop, 100, repeat); } } } function rotate(direction) { //rotate pieces (call when button pressed) newRotation = rotation + direction; if (newRotation > 3) { newRotation = 0; } else if (newRotation < 0) { newRotation = 3; } if (!canMove(x, y, newRotation)) { var JLSTZKicks = [[-1, 0], [-1, 1], [0, -2], [-1, -2]]; var IKicks = [[[-2, 0], [1, 0], [-2, -1], [1, 2]], [[-1, 0], [2, 0], [1, -2], [2, -1]]]; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var addX = 0; var addY = 0; if (currentPiece !== O) { if (currentPiece === I) { if (rotation + newRotation === 1 || rotation + newRotation === 5) { addX = IKicks[0][i][0]; addY = IKicks[0][i][1]; if (newRotation === 3 || newRotation === 0) { addX *= -1; addY *= -1; } } else { addX = IKicks[1][i][0]; addY = IKicks[1][i][1]; if (newRotation === 1 || newRotation === 0) { addX *= -1; addY *= -1; } } } else { addX = JLSTZKicks[i][0]; addY = JLSTZKicks[i][1]; if (newRotation === 3 || rotation === 1) { addX *= -1; addY *= -1; } } if (canMove(x + addX, y - addY, newRotation)) { x += addX; y -= addY; break; } } } } if (canMove(x, y, newRotation)) { rotation = newRotation; rotated = true; } } document.onkeydown = function(e) { e = window.event || e; key = e.keyCode; e.preventDefault(); var newRotation; if (playing) { if (key === 37) { if (!pressedL && canMove(x - 1, y, rotation)) { clearTimeout(moveLeft); clearTimeout(moveRight); x--; moveLeft = setTimeout(moveSide, DAS, -1); mSound.pause(); mSound.currentTime = 0;; pressedL = true; } } if (key === 39) { if (!pressedR && canMove(x + 1, y, rotation)) { clearTimeout(moveLeft); clearTimeout(moveRight); x++; moveRight = setTimeout(moveSide, DAS, 1); mSound.pause(); mSound.currentTime = 0;; pressedR = true; } } if ((key === 38 && advanced) || (key === 32 && !advanced)) { if (!pressedUp) { clearTimeout(dropThread); hardDrop(false); dropThread = setTimeout(hardDrop, 300, true); pressedUp = true; } } if (key === 40) { if (!pressedDown && canMove(x, y + 1, rotation)) { clearInterval(moveDown); y++; moveDown = setInterval(moveVert, 50); pressedDown = true; } } if ((key === 88 || (key === 38 && !advanced)) && !rotated) { rotate(1); } if (key === 90 && !rotated) { rotate(-1); } if (((key === 32 && advanced) || (key === 16 && !advanced)) && !held) { var temp = currentPiece.slice(); if (holdPiece.length > 0) { currentPiece = holdPiece.slice(); } else { currentPiece = queue[0]; queue[0] = queue[1]; queue[1] = queue[2]; queue[2] = newPiece(); } x = 3; y = 2; rotation = 0; holdPiece = temp.slice(); held = true; } draw(); if (key === 27 || key === 80) { playing = false; clearInterval(thread); clearInterval(moveLeft); clearInterval(moveRight); clearInterval(moveDown); state = 12; tempTime += new Date() - time; drawPause(); song.pause(); } } else { if (key === 32 || key === 13) { //spacebar if (state === 0) { //level select state = 2; getHighScores() } else if (state === 1) { //options state = 5; } else if (state === 2) { //start the game clearTimeout(menuThread); reset(); multiplier = 1.0 + (0.2 * (level - 1)); linesRemaining = levelLines[level]; draw(); thread = setInterval(gravity, speeds[level]); song.pause(); song.currentTime = 0;; } else if (state === 3) { //back button for level select screen state = 0; } else if (state === 4) { //back button for settings menu state = 1; } else if (state === 5) { //control options advanced = !advanced; } else if (state === 6) { //ghostblock option ghostBlocks = !ghostBlocks; } else if (state === 7) { //grid option grid = !grid; } else if (state === 8) { //DAS option if (DAS === 75) { DAS = 100; } else { DAS = (DAS + 50) % 550; if (DAS === 0) { DAS = 75; } } } else if (state === 9) { //Block palette palette = (palette + 1) % 5; tImage.src = tilesets[palette]; } else if (state === 10) { //adjust music volume musicVolume = (musicVolume + 1) % 11; adjustVolume(); } else if (state === 11) { //adjust sound effect volume sfxVolume = (sfxVolume + 1) % 11; adjustVolume(); } else if (state === 12) { //unpause state = 111; playing = true; time = new Date(); thread = setInterval(gravity, speeds[level]); draw();; } else if (state === 13) { //quit game if (score > highscore[1]) { highscore[1] = score; } if (score === 0) { state = 0; } else { state = 51; nameVals = [0, 0, 0, 0]; } level = 1; menu(0); } else if (state === 14) { //back to level select from leaderboard state = 201; } else if (state === 50) { //death screen song.pause(); if (score === 0) { state = 0; } else { state = 51; nameVals = [0, 0, 0, 0]; } level = 1; menu(0); } else if (state >= 51 && state < 54) { //move sideways through letters state++; } else if (state === 54) { //go to save button state = 56; } else if (state === 55) { //back button on initial screen state = 0; } else if (state === 56) { //save score if (score === highscore[1]) { highscore[0] = name; } postHighScores(score, name); state = 0; getHighScores(); } else if (state === 201) { //go to leaderboard scoreIndex = 0; getHighScores(); state = 140; } cSound.pause(); cSound.currentTime = 0;; } if (key === 38) { //up arrow if (state === 1 || state === 999) { state = 0; } else if (state === 201 || state === 200) { state = 3; } else if (state === 2) { state = 201; } else if (state > 4 && state <= 11) { state--; } else if (state === 13 || state === 120) { state = 12; drawPause(); } else if (state >= 51 && state <= 54) { var numIndex = state - 51; nameVals[numIndex]--; if (nameVals[numIndex] < 0) { nameVals[numIndex] = 27; } } else if (state === 57) { state = 55; } else if (state === 56) { state = 54; } else if (state === 140) { if (scoreIndex > 0) { scoreIndex -= 10; } else { state = 14; } } else if (state === 500) { state = 4; } } if (key === 40) { //down arrow if (state === 0 || state === 999) { state = 1; } else if (state === 201 || state === 200) { state = 2; } else if (state === 3) { state = 201; } else if (state >= 4 && state < 11) { state++; } else if (state === 12 || state === 120) { state = 13; drawPause(); } else if (state === 14 || state === 140) { if (state === 140 && (scoreArray.length / 2) > scoreIndex + 10) { scoreIndex += 10; } state = 140; } else if (state >= 51 && state <= 54) { var numIndex = state - 51; nameVals[numIndex] = (nameVals[numIndex] + 1) % 28; } else if (state === 57) { state = 56; } else if (state === 55) { state = 51; } else if (state === 500) { state = 5; } } if (key === 37) { //left arrow if (state === 200) { state = 2; } if (state === 2 && level > 1) { level--; } if (state === 8) { if (DAS === 75) { DAS = 500; } else { DAS -= 50; if (DAS === 50) { DAS = 75; } } } if (state === 9) { palette--; if (palette < 0) { palette = 4; } tImage.src = tilesets[palette]; } if (state === 10) { musicVolume--; if (musicVolume < 0) { musicVolume = 0; } adjustVolume(); } if (state === 11) { sfxVolume--; if (sfxVolume < 0) { sfxVolume = 0; } adjustVolume(); } if (state > 51 && state <= 54) { //move sideways through letters state--; } else if (state === 51) { state = 55; } else if (state === 56) { state = 54; } else if (state === 57) { state = 51; } } if (key === 39) { //right arrow if (state === 200) { state = 2; } if (state === 2 && level < 16) { level++; } if (state === 8) { if (DAS === 75) { DAS = 100; } else { DAS = (DAS + 50) % 550; if (DAS === 0) { DAS = 75; } } } if (state === 9) { palette = (palette + 1) % 5; tImage.src = tilesets[palette]; } if (state === 10) { musicVolume++; if (musicVolume > 10) { musicVolume = 10; } adjustVolume(); } if (state === 11) { sfxVolume++; if (sfxVolume > 10) { sfxVolume = 10; } adjustVolume(); } if (state >= 51 && state < 54) { //move sideways through letters state++; } else if (state === 54) { state = 56; } else if (state === 55) { state = 51; } else if (state === 57) { state = 54; } } if (key === 27) { //escape if (state === 2 || state === 3 || state === 200) { state = 0; } if ((state >= 4 && state <= 9) || state === 500) { state = 1; } } if (state >= 51 && state <= 54) { if (key >= 65 && key <= 90) { nameVals[state - 51] = key - 65; if (state < 54) { state++; } else { state = 56; } } if (key === 189) { nameVals[state - 51] = 27; if (state < 54) { state++; } else { state = 56; } } if (key === 190) { nameVals[state - 51] = 26; if (state < 54) { state++; } else { state = 56; } } } } if (key === 123) { return false; } if (e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey && key === "I".charCodeAt(0)) { return false; } if (e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey && key === "J".charCodeAt(0)) { return false; } if (e.ctrlKey && key === "U".charCodeAt(0)) { return false; } } document.onkeyup = function(e) { e = window.event || e; key = e.keyCode; e.preventDefault(); if ((key === 88 || key === 90) || (!advanced && 38)) { rotated = false; if (key === 39) { clearTimeout(moveRight); pressedR = false; } if (key === 37) { clearTimeout(moveLeft); pressedL = false; } if (key === 40) { clearInterval(moveDown); pressedDown = false; } if ((key === 38 && advanced) || (key === 32 && !advanced)) { clearTimeout(dropThread); pressedUp = false; } } document.getElementById("layer2").onmousemove = function(e) { var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); var mouseX = Math.round(e.clientX - rect.left); var mouseY = Math.round(e.clientY -; if (!playing) { if (mouseX > 0 && mouseX < 600 && mouseY > 0 && mouseY < 640) { if (state === 0 || state === 1 || state === 999) { state = 999; if (mouseX > 155 && mouseX < 445 && mouseY > 375 && mouseY < 436) { state = 0; } else if (mouseX > 155 && mouseX < 445 && mouseY > 455 && mouseY < 516) { state = 1; } } if (state === 2 || state === 3 || state === 201 || state === 200) { state = 200; if (mouseX > 40 && mouseX < 205 && mouseY > 35 && mouseY < 82) { state = 3; } if (mouseX > 215 && mouseX < 385 && mouseY > 405 && mouseY < 575) { state = 2; } if (mouseX > 165 && mouseX < 435 && mouseY > 82 && mouseY < 127) { state = 201; } } if ((state >= 4 && state <= 11) || state === 500) { state = 500; if (mouseX > 40 && mouseX < 205 && mouseY > 35 && mouseY < 83) { state = 4; } if (mouseX > 40 && mouseX < 560 && mouseY > 98 && mouseY < 158) { state = 5; } if (mouseX > 40 && mouseX < 560 && mouseY > 168 && mouseY < 228) { state = 6; } if (mouseX > 40 && mouseX < 560 && mouseY > 238 && mouseY < 298) { state = 7; } if (mouseX > 40 && mouseX < 560 && mouseY > 308 && mouseY < 368) { state = 8; } if (mouseX > 40 && mouseX < 560 && mouseY > 378 && mouseY < 438) { state = 9; } if (mouseX > 40 && mouseX < 560 && mouseY > 448 && mouseY < 508) { state = 10; } if (mouseX > 40 && mouseX < 560 && mouseY > 518 && mouseY < 578) { state = 11; } } if (state === 12 || state === 13 || state === 120) { state = 120; if (mouseX > 210 && mouseX < 374 && mouseY > 270 && mouseY < 310) { state = 12; } if (mouseX > 210 && mouseX < 374 && mouseY > 315 && mouseY < 355) { state = 13; } drawPause(); } if (state === 14 || state === 140) { state = 140; if (mouseX > 40 && mouseX < 205 && mouseY > 35 && mouseY < 83) { state = 14; } } if (state >= 51 && state <= 57) { state = 57; if (mouseX > 40 && mouseX < 205 && mouseY > 35 && mouseY < 83) { state = 55; } if (mouseX > 150 && mouseX < 450 && mouseY > 488 && mouseY < 536) { state = 56; } for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (mouseX > (100 + (i * 100)) && mouseX < (200 + (i * 100)) && mouseY > 155 && mouseY < 390) { state = 51 + i; } } } } } } document.getElementById("layer2").onmousemove = function(e) { var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); var mouseX = Math.round(e.clientX - rect.left); var mouseY = Math.round(e.clientY -; if (!playing) { if (mouseX > 0 && mouseX < 600 && mouseY > 0 && mouseY < 640) { if (state === 0 || state === 1 || state === 999) { state = 999; if (mouseX > 155 && mouseX < 445 && mouseY > 375 && mouseY < 436) { state = 0; } else if (mouseX > 155 && mouseX < 445 && mouseY > 455 && mouseY < 516) { state = 1; } } if (state === 2 || state === 3 || state === 201 || state === 200) { state = 200; if (mouseX > 40 && mouseX < 205 && mouseY > 35 && mouseY < 82) { state = 3; } if (mouseX > 215 && mouseX < 385 && mouseY > 405 && mouseY < 575) { state = 2; } if (mouseX > 165 && mouseX < 435 && mouseY > 82 && mouseY < 127) { state = 201; } } if ((state >= 4 && state <= 11) || state === 500) { state = 500; if (mouseX > 40 && mouseX < 205 && mouseY > 35 && mouseY < 83) { state = 4; } if (mouseX > 40 && mouseX < 560 && mouseY > 98 && mouseY < 158) { state = 5; } if (mouseX > 40 && mouseX < 560 && mouseY > 168 && mouseY < 228) { state = 6; } if (mouseX > 40 && mouseX < 560 && mouseY > 238 && mouseY < 298) { state = 7; } if (mouseX > 40 && mouseX < 560 && mouseY > 308 && mouseY < 368) { state = 8; } if (mouseX > 40 && mouseX < 560 && mouseY > 378 && mouseY < 438) { state = 9; } if (mouseX > 40 && mouseX < 560 && mouseY > 448 && mouseY < 508) { state = 10; } if (mouseX > 40 && mouseX < 560 && mouseY > 518 && mouseY < 578) { state = 11; } } if (state === 12 || state === 13 || state === 120) { state = 120; if (mouseX > 210 && mouseX < 374 && mouseY > 270 && mouseY < 310) { state = 12; } if (mouseX > 210 && mouseX < 374 && mouseY > 315 && mouseY < 355) { state = 13; } drawPause(); } if (state === 14 || state === 140) { state = 140; if (mouseX > 40 && mouseX < 205 && mouseY > 35 && mouseY < 83) { state = 14; } } if (state >= 51 && state <= 57) { state = 57; if (mouseX > 40 && mouseX < 205 && mouseY > 35 && mouseY < 83) { state = 55; } if (mouseX > 150 && mouseX < 450 && mouseY > 488 && mouseY < 536) { state = 56; } for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (mouseX > (100 + (i * 100)) && mouseX < (200 + (i * 100)) && mouseY > 155 && mouseY < 390) { state = 51 + i; } } } } } } document.getElementById("layer2").onclick = function(e) { var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); var mouseX = Math.round(e.clientX - rect.left); var mouseY = Math.round(e.clientY -; if (!playing) { if (state === 0) { //level select state = 200; getHighScores() } else if (state === 1) { //options state = 500; } else if (state === 2) { //start the game clearTimeout(menuThread); reset(); multiplier = 1.0 + (0.2 * (level - 1)); linesRemaining = levelLines[level]; draw(); thread = setInterval(gravity, speeds[level]); song.pause(); song.currentTime = 0;; } else if (state === 3) { //back button for level select screen state = 999; } else if (state === 4) { //back button for settings menu state = 1; } else if (state === 5) { //control options advanced = !advanced; } else if (state === 6) { //ghostblock option ghostBlocks = !ghostBlocks; } else if (state === 7) { //grid option grid = !grid; } else if (state === 8) { //DAS option if (DAS === 75) { DAS = 100; } else { DAS = (DAS + 50) % 550; if (DAS === 0) { DAS = 75; } } } else if (state === 9) { //Block palette palette = (palette + 1) % 5; tImage.src = tilesets[palette]; } else if (state === 10) { //adjust music volume musicVolume = (musicVolume + 1) % 11; adjustVolume(); } else if (state === 11) { //adjust sound effects volume sfxVolume = (sfxVolume + 1) % 11; adjustVolume(); } else if (state === 12) { //unpause state = 111; playing = true; time = new Date(); thread = setInterval(gravity, speeds[level]); draw();; } else if (state === 13) { //quit game if (score > highscore[1]) { highscore[1] = score; } if (score === 0) { state = 999; } else { state = 51; nameVals = [0, 0, 0, 0]; } level = 1; menu(0); } else if (state === 14) { state = 3; } else if (state === 50) { //death screen song.pause(); if (score === 0) { state = 999; } else { state = 51; nameVals = [0, 0, 0, 0]; } level = 1; menu(0); } else if (state >= 51 && state <= 54) { for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (mouseX > (100 + (i * 100)) && mouseX < (200 + (i * 100)) && mouseY > 155 && mouseY < 255) { nameVals[i]--; if (nameVals[i] < 0) { nameVals[i] = 27; } } if (mouseX > (100 + (i * 100)) && mouseX < (200 + (i * 100)) && mouseY > 290 && mouseY < 390) { nameVals[i] = (nameVals[i] + 1) % 28; } } } else if (state === 55) { //back button on initial screen state = 0; } else if (state === 56) { //save score if (score === highscore[1]) { highscore[0] = name; } postHighScores(score, name); state = 0; getHighScores(); } else if (state === 14 || state === 140) { if (((scoreArray.length / 2) > scoreIndex + 10) && mouseX > 380 && mouseX < 420 && mouseY > 580 && mouseY < 620) { scoreIndex += 10; } if (scoreIndex > 0 && mouseX > 180 && mouseX < 230 && mouseY > 580 && mouseY < 620) { scoreIndex -= 10; } } else if (state === 200) { if (mouseX > 440 && mouseX < 485 && mouseY > 360 && mouseY < 400) { if (level < 16) { level++; } } if (mouseX > 115 && mouseX < 160 && mouseY > 360 && mouseY < 400) { if (level > 1) { level--; } } } else if (state === 201) { //go to leaderboard scoreIndex = 0; getHighScores(); state = 140; } //play sound cSound.pause(); cSound.currentTime = 0;; } } flashLayer.onselectstart = function (e) { return false; } window.onresize = function(e) { if (anticheat) { if (Math.abs(window.outerWidth - window.innerWidth) > 100) { if (!(/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent))) { while (true) { alert("No cheating allowed 😄"); } } } } } //create array of top 6 scores or 5 and local score function getHighScores() { storage.collection("tetris").get().then((snapshot) => { scoreArray = []; snapshot.forEach((doc) => { const data =; scoreArray.push(; scoreArray.push(data.score); }); //sort the list scoreArray = quickSort(scoreArray, 1, scoreArray.length - 1); topScores = []; topNames = []; topNums = []; var max = 6; if (scoreArray.length < 12) { max = scoreArray.length / 2; } for (var k = 0; k < max; k++) { topScores.push(parseInt(scoreArray[(k * 2) + 1])); topNames.push(scoreArray[k * 2]); topNums.push(k + 1); } //add local to high scores list if (highscore[0] !== "" && highscore[1] < topScores[topScores.length - 1]) { for (var l = 1; l < scoreArray.length; l += 2) { if (parseInt(scoreArray[l]) === highscore[1] && scoreArray[l - 1] === highscore[0]) { var index = ((l - 1) / 2) + 1; topScores[topScores.length - 1] = highscore[1]; topNames[topNames.length - 1] = highscore[0]; topNums[topNums.length - 1] = index; return; } } } }); } function postHighScores(pScore, pName) { storage.collection("tetris").add({name: pName, score: pScore + ""}); } function quickSort(arr, left, right) { var len = arr.length; var pivot; var partitionIndex; if (left < right) { pivot = right; partitionIndex = partition(arr, pivot, left, right); quickSort(arr, left, partitionIndex - 2); quickSort(arr, partitionIndex + 2, right); } return arr; } function partition(arr, pivot, left, right) { var pivotValue = parseInt(arr[pivot]); var partitionIndex = left; for (var i = left; i < right; i += 2) { if (parseInt(arr[i]) > pivotValue){ swap(arr, i, partitionIndex); partitionIndex += 2; } } swap(arr, right, partitionIndex); return partitionIndex; } function swap(arr, i, j) { var tempScore = arr[i]; var tempName = arr[i - 1]; arr[i] = arr[j]; scoreArray[i - 1] = arr[j - 1]; arr[j] = tempScore; arr[j - 1] = tempName; } var tile1 = "./Tile1.png"; //classic block palette var tile2 = "./Tile2.png"; //borderless block palette var tile3 = "./Tile3.png"; //solid color block palette var tile4 = "./Tile4.png"; //gradient block palette var tile5 = "./Tile5.png"; //gradient block palette var tilesets = [tile1, tile2, tile3, tile4, tile5]; var tImage = new Image(); tImage.src = tilesets[0]; var backgroundImage = "./Board.png"; //main game background var bgImage = new Image(); bgImage.src = backgroundImage; var logoImage = "./Logo.png"; //tetrisn't logo var lgImage = new Image(); lgImage.src = logoImage; var menuImage = "./MenuStars.png"; //moving stars for menu var mImage = new Image(); mImage.src = menuImage; var hdSound = new Audio(""); //hard drop hdSound.volume = 0.06 * sfxVolume; var mSound = new Audio(""); //moving mSound.volume = 0.07 * sfxVolume; var lcSound = new Audio(""); //line clear lcSound.volume = 0.06 * sfxVolume; var cSound = new Audio(""); //click sound cSound.volume = 0.06 * sfxVolume; var song = new Audio(""); //Music by James Nicholson song.volume = 0.1 * musicVolume; song.loop = true; var thread; var menuThread; var moveRight; var moveLeft; var moveDown; var dropThread; var pointsThread; menu(0); getHighScores(); if (anticheat) { if (Math.abs(window.outerWidth - window.innerWidth) > 100) { if (!(/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent))) { while (true) { alert("No cheating allowed 😄"); } } } }